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  1. 大气红外遥测原理,曾庆存著,1974,科学出版社,北京.

  Principles of infrared remote sensing of the atmosphere, Science Press, Beijing, 1974, pp174. (in China)

  2. 数值天气预告的数学物理基础(第一卷)曾庆存著,,1979,科学出版社,北京.

  Physico-mathematical bases of numerical weather prediction, Vol.1. Science Press, Beijing, 1979, pp543 (in Chinese)

  3. 太平洋及中国近海海流图集,曾庆存,侯文峰,李荣凤著,1996年,中国海洋出版社,北京.

  Atlas of oceanic currents in Western Pacific and Chinese costal oceans, China Oceanagraphic Press, Beijing.

  4. 当代气候研究,叶笃正,曾庆存等著,1991年,气象出版社,北京.

  Current research in climate (Ye T.Z, Q-C Zeng et al., China Meteorological Press, Beijing, 1991,in Chinese)

  5. 高等大气动力学(曾庆存原著,1983年),中国科学技术大学出版社翻印出版,合肥.

  Lectures on advanced atmospheric dynamics, (preprint, as graduate course,1983), reprint,published by China University of Science and Technology, Hefei (in Chinese)

  6. 短期数值气候预测原理(曾庆存原著,2001年),解放军理工大学气象学院翻印出版,南京.

  Lectures on climate system model and extraseasonal predictions of climatic anormalies, (preprint, as graduate course,2001), reprint, published by Meteorological school of Nanjing university of Science and Technology,2011, Nanjing (in Chinese)

  7. 千里黄云-东亚沙尘暴研究(曾庆存,董超华,彭公炳,赵思雄,方宗义等著),2006,科学出版社,北京

  Gigantic Yellow Cloud – Dust Storms in East Asia (by Zeng Q-C, C-H Dong, G-B Peng, S-X Zhao, Z-Y Feng et al., Science Press, Beijing, 2006, pp228, in Chinese)




  1. Zeng Q.C., L.Wu, and G.X.Hong, 2012:Cybernetics in the Artificial Weather ModificationⅡ,A Framework of articificial weather modification based on the natural cybernetics,Climate and Environmental Research.17,(3).

  2. Cheng X. L., Zeng Q. C. and Hu F. Parameterizations of some important characteristics of turbulences and gusts in the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JD017191.

  3. Cheng X. L., Zeng Q. C. and Hu F. Characteristics of gusty wind disturbances and turbulent fluctuations in windy atmospheric boundary layer behind cold fronts. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011, 116, D06101.

  4. Zeng Q.C., Z.H. Lin, Recent progress on the earth system dynamic model and its numerical simulations, Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(1): 1-6 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  5. Zeng Q.C., X.L. Cheng, F.Hu and Z.Peng, Gustiness and coherent structure of strong winds and their role in dust emission and entraiment, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2010, 27(1): 1-13.

  6. Zeng Q.C., G.Q. Zhou, Y.F. Pu et al. Research on the earth system dynamic model and some related numerical simulations, Chinese Journal of atmosphere Sciences, 2008, 32(4): 654-681 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  7. Zeng, Q. C., X. L. Cheng, and F. Hu. The mechanism of soil erosion and dust emission under the action of nonsteady strong wind with descending motion and gust wind. Climate and Environmental Research, 2007, 12(3): 244-250 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  8. Zeng, Q. C., F. Hu, and X. L. Cheng. The mechanism of dust entrainment by gustwind. Climate and Environmental Research, 2007, 12(3): 251-255 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  9. Zeng Q.C., C.H. Dong, G.B. Peng, X.S. Zhao, Z.Y Feng and M.Y. Jiao. Duststorms and related disasters. Climate and Environmental Research, 2007, 12(3): 225-226 (in Chinese with English abstract).

  10. Zeng, X.D., Wang, A.H., Zeng, Q.C., Dickinson R.E., Zeng, X.B., and Shen, S.S.P. Intermediately complex models for the hydrological interactions in the atmosphere-vegetation-soil system, Advances in atmospheric sciences, 2006, 23(1): 127-140.

  11. Wang, A.H., Zeng, X.B., Shen, S.S.P., Zeng, Q.C., and Dickinson R.E.: Time Scales of land surface hydrology, to appear in Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2006.

  12. Zeng, X.D., Wang, A.H., Zhao, G., Shen, S.S.P., Zeng, X.B. and co-authors 2005: Ecological dynamic model of grassland and its practical verification. Sci. China Ser. C 48, 41-48.

  13. Zeng, X.D., Zeng, X.B., Shen, S.S.P., Dickinson R.E., and Zeng, Q.C. 2005: Vegetation-soil water interaction within a dynamical ecosystem model of grassland in semi-arid areas. Tellus. 57B, 189-202.

  14. Zeng Qing-Cun, Zhao Si-Xiong, Lin Zhao-Hui, and Xue Feng. 2005: Some new problems and new methods in the monsoon study. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 281-282.

  15. Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: About King Shum’s poem “Southerly Wind”. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 283-284.

  16. Zeng Qing-Cun, Zhang Dong-Ling, Zhang Ming, Zuo Rui-Ting, and He Juan-Xiong. 2005: The abrupt seasonal transitions in the atmospheric general circulation and the onset of monsoons. Part I: Basic theoretical method and its application to the analysis of climatological mean observations. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,285-302.

  17. Zhang Ming, Zhang Dong-Ling, Zuo Rui-Ting, He Juan-Xiong, and Zeng Qing-cun. 2005: The abrupt seasonal transitions in the atmospheric general circulation and the onset of monsoons. Part II: The onset of Summer Monsoon in South China Sea region. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 303-314.

  18. He Juan-Xiong, Zhang Dong-Ling, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: The monsoon indices and their interannual variations Part I: Circulation intensity indices. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 323-332

  19. Zhang Dong-Ling, He Juan-Xiong, Zuo Rui-Ting, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Monsoon Index and Its interannual variability Part II: The kinetic energy index and its interannual variability in South China Sea summer monsoon region. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 333-341.

  20. Li Jian-Ping, Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: A new monsoon index, its interannual variability and relation with monsoon precipitation. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 351-365.

  21. Zhang Dong-Ling, He Juan-Xiong, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Statistic dynamic analysis on the South China Sea monsoon onset. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 377-386.

  22. Dong Hai-Ping, Zhao Si-Xiong, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Study of strong heavy rainfall in low latitude plateau area in China during early summer. Part I: A case study of heavy rainfall in Yunnan under influencing of Indian-Myanmar trough. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,443-459.

  23. Dong Hai-Ping, Zhao Si-Xiong, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Study of strong heavy rainfall in low latitude plateau area in China during early summer. Part II: Comparison between circulation and climatology causing flood in May 2001 and drought in May 2005. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 460-473.

  24. Zhao Si-Xiong, Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: A study of East Asia strong cold wave—surge crossing equator and influencing the development of tropical cyclone and heavy rainfall in the Southern Hemisphere. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3, 507-525.

  25. Zhang feng, Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: The study of the improvement of the solar radiation transfer scheme in IAP AGCM. Part II: The improvement of solar radiation scheme. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,560-573.

  26. Zhang Li-Na, Wang Bi-Zeng, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Case study on the relationships between high cloud and high-level vertical velocity. Part I: Observations. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,588-603.

  27. Zhang Li-Na, Wang Bi-Zeng, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Relationships between Stratocumulus,SST and low level atmospheric thermodynamical processes over two typical summertime Sc regions in the Northern Pacific Ocean. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,626-637.

  28. Wang Bi-Zeng, Liu Min, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: Study on cloud system superparameterization and the method of characteristic lines in the atmospheric general circulation model. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,638-648.

  29. Li Fang, Lin Zhong-Da, Zuo Rui-Ting, and Zeng Qing-Cun. 2005: The method for correcting the summer precipitation anomaly predicted extraseasonally over East Asia Monsoon region based on EOF and SVD. Climatic and Environmental Research. 10 No.3,658-668.

  30. ZHANG Feng, ZENG Qingcun. 2005: Parameterization of the Absorption of the H2O Continuum, CO2, O2, and Other Trace Gases in the Fu-Liou Solar Radiation Program. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 22 No.4 545-558.

  31. ZUO Ruiting, WANG Liqiong, ZENG Qingcun, and ZHANG Ming. 2005: Equilibrium Mechanism Analysis on the Physical Processes of IAP3.0. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 22 No.4, 525-533.

  32. Liang Danqing, Zhang Ming, and Zeng Qingcun. 2005: A computational stability analysis and numerical experiments on the dynamic framework of the atmospheric general circulation model in the partition terrain coordinate. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Vol.29, No.3, 355-362.

  33. Ghulam RASUL, Qamar-uz-Zaman CHAUDHRY, ZHAO Sixiong, ZENG Qingcun, QI Linlin, and ZHANG Gaoying. 2005: A Diagnosis Study of Heavy Rainfall in Karachi Due to Merging of a Mesoscale Low and a Diffused Tropical Depression during South Asian Summer Monsoon. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 22 No.3, 375-391

  34. Angkool WANGWONGCHAI, ZHAO Sixiong, and ZENG Qingcun. 2005: A Case Study on a Strong Tropical Disturbance and Record Heavy Rainfall in Hat Yai, Thailand during the Winter Monsoon. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 22 No.4, 436-450.

  35. Zeng Qingcun, Zeng Xiaodong, Wang Aihui, Robert E. Dickinson, Xubin Zeng, and Samuel S.P.Shen. 2005: Some studies of the hydrological interactions in the atmosphere-ecosystem-soil system. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Vol.29, No.1, 8-18.

  36. Dickinson R.E., Wang, G.L., Zeng, X.B., and Zeng, Q.C. 2003: How does the partitioning of evapotranspiration and runoff between different processes affect the variability and predictability of soil moisture and precipitation? Advances in atmospheric sciences. 20, 475-478.

  37. Wang A.H., X.D. Zeng, X.B. Zeng, S.S.P. Shen, and Q-C Zeng, 2003: Dynamics and numerical simulations of hydrological vegetation-soil interaction. Presented at ICCP6-CCP2003.

  38. Zeng Q.C., Zeng X.D., Wang A.H., et al. 2003: Models and numerical simulations of atmosphere-vegetation-soil interaction and ecosystem dynamics, invited paper, presented at ICCP6-CCP2003.

  39. Zeng Qingcun, Li Jianping. 2002: Interactions between the Northern and Southern hemispheric atmospheres and the essence of monsoon. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Vol.26, No.4. 434-448

  40. Zhou Duangqing, Zeng Qingcun. 2001: Predictions of ENSO with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 18 No.4, 587-563.

  41. Li Yihua, Zeng Qingcun. 2000: Functions of the different type of disturbance in a simple air-sea coupled model in the tropics. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol.43, No.3, 304-311.


  1. The application of primitive thermo-hydrodynamic equations to short range weather prediction in a two-level model, Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, Ser. Geofiz., No.1, 1961

  2. On nonlinear equation of atmospheric motions of planetary scale , Izv. Akad. Nauk USSR, Ser. Geofiz., No.1, 1961 (in Russian) (co-author: Zhu Yong-ti)

  3. The application of primitive thermo-hydrodynamic equations to short range weather prediction in a two-level model, (full text), Scientia sinica, XII, No.3, 1963 (in Russian).

  4. The influence of initial perturbations on the adaptation processes of the atmosphere and problems on the application of wind observations, Acta Meteorological Sinica, Vol.33, No.1, 1963.

  5. Adaptation process and development process in the atmosphere, I, Ibid, Vol.33, No.2, 1963.

  6. Adaptation process and development process in the atmosphere, II, Ibid, Vol.33, No.3, 1963.

  7. Characteristic parameters and dynamical equations of atmospheric motions, Ibid. Vol.33, No.4, 1963.

  8. The use of observed wind fields in numerical weather prediction, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, No.3, 1977.

  9. On the problems of infrared remote sounding of vertical profile of moisture in the atmosphere, Ibid, No.1, 1976 (co-authors: Li Chong-yin and Zhang Dao-min).

  10. The characteristic waves and the geotropic adjustment process in the baroclinic atmosphere. Ibid, Vol.2, No.1, 1978.

  11. Some aspects of the computational stability, Ibid, Vol.2, No.3, 1978.

  12. Theoretical problems of infrared remote sensing of the atmosphere, Scientia sinica, Vol. XXII, No.5, 1979.

  13. On nonlinear interaction of motion and process of rotational adaptation in rotating atmosphere, Ibid, Vol. XXII, No.8, 1979.

  14. The advance in atmospheric dynamics and numerical weather prediction in China, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.3, No.3, 1979.

  15. Design of finite difference schemes for primitive equations. Proc. of the 2-th National Symposium on Numerical Weather Prediction in Beijing, Science Press, 1977 (co-authors: Ji Zhong-zhen and Yuan Chong-guang).

  16. The adaptation processes in rotating atmosphere, Acta Mechanica Sinica, No.1, 1980 (co-author: T. C. Yeh).

  17. Numerical experiment of geostrophic adaptation process, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.38, No.3, 1980 (co-author: Yuan Chong-guang).

  18. On the evolution process of disturbances in the barotropic atmosphere, Scientia Atmospherica Ainica, Vol.5, No.1, 1981 (co-author: Lu Peisheng)

  19. Evolutional processes of disturbances in a nonuniform basic current, Scientia sinica, XXIV, No.4, 1981 (co-author: Lu Peisheng).

  20. Numerical experiments of hemispherical rotational adaptation process, Ibid, Vol. XXIII, No.11, 1980 (co-authors: Yuan Chong-guang and Li Rong-feng).

  21. On the computational stability of evolution equations, Mathematica Numerivae Sinica, Vol.3, No.1, 1981 (co-author: Ji Zhong-zhen)

  22. A split method to solve equations of weather prediction, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.25, No.12, 1980 (co-author, Yuan Chong-guang).

  23. The advance in investigation of problems of adaptation processes in rotating atmosphere, I, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.4, No.4, 1980 (co-author: Ye Du-zheng).

  24. The advance in investigation of problems of adaptation processes in rotating atmosphere, Ⅱ, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.5, No.1, 1981 (co-author: Ye Du-zheng).

  25. Some problems of atmospheric dynamics, Mechanics and Practices, No.8, 1980 (in Chinese).

  26. Some problems on the nonlinear computational instability. Acta Mechanica Sinica, No.3, 1981 (co-author: Ji Zhong-zhen).

  27. The construction and applications of finite difference schemes to solve the evolution equations, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.6, No.1, 1982 (co-author: Ji Zhong-zhen).

  28. Perfect energy-conservative time-space finite difference schemes and the consistent split method to solve the dynamic equations of compressible fluid, Scientia sinica, Series B, XXV, No.8, 1982 (co-author: Zhang Xue-hong).

  29. On the computational chaos in the finite difference schemes with non-uniform grids, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.6, No.4, 1982( co-author: Li Rong-feng).

  30. On the evolution and interaction of disturbances and zonal flow in rotating barotropic atmosphere, Journal of the Meteorological Society of japan, Vol.60, No.1, pp.24-31, 1982.

  31. The development characteristics of quasigeostrophic baroclinic disturbance, Tellus, 35A, pp.337-349, 1983.

  32. The evolution of a Rossby-wave packet in three-dimensional baroclinic atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.40, No.1, pp.73-84, 1983.

  33. Numerical experiments on nonlinear waves in barotropic atmosphere, Scientia sinica, Vol. XXVI, No.11, pp.1190-11200, 1983 (co-author: Zhang Xuehong).

  34. The numerical simulation of typhoon, Proceedings of the Second Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, 1982(co-author: Zhang Ming).

  35. Evolution and structure of Rossby wave packet in forced mean flow, Scientia sinica, Series B, Vol.XXVIII, No.8, 1985.

  36. Some numerical ocean-atmosphere coupling models, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Integrated Global Ocean Monitoring, Tallin, 1983.

  37. A test for the difference scheme of a general circulation model, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.43, No.4, pp.441-449, 1985. (co-authers: Zhang Xuehong and Yuan Chong-guang)

  38. Evolution of large-scale disturbances and their interaction with mean flow in a rotating barotropic atmosphere. Part 1 and Part 2, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.3, No.1-No.2, pp39-58, 172-183, 1986 (co-author: Lu Pro-sheng, Li Rong-feng, and Yuan Chong-guang).

  39. Nongeostrophic instability, Scientia sinica, Series B, Vol.XXIX, No.5, pp.535-542, 1986.

  40. Nonlinear baroclinic Haurwitz waves, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.3, 330-340, 1986 (co-authors: Zhang Xue-hong and Bao Ning).

  41. A global gridpoint general circulation model, Short and Medium-Range Numerical Weather Prediction, Collection of Papers Presented at the WMO / IUGG NWP Symposium, Tokyo, 4-8 August 1988, Special Volume of J.M.S. of Japan, 421-430 (co-authors: C.G. Yuan, X.H. Zhang, X.Z. Liang and N.Bao).

  42. Problems on nonlinear computational instability in NWP, Ibid, 255-262 (co-author: Z.Z. Ji).

  43. Variational principle of instability of atmospheric motions, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Nonlinear Atmospheric Dynamics, Beijing, August, 1986, 175-186.

  44. The spectra of barotropic quasigeostrophic model and the evolution of disturbances, Scientia sinica, Series B, Vol.30, No.4, 426-437, 1987 (co-authors: P.S.Lu and L.Lu).

  45. Numerical simulation of monsoon and the abrupt seasonal change in atmospheric general circulation, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Special Issue, Vol.12, 1988 (co-authors: X.Z.Liang and M.H.Zhang).

  46. A design and test of a numerical coupled land-atmosphere-ocean model, Tenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol.264, 684-688, 1987 (co-authors: X.H.Zhang, C.G. Yuan and X.Z. Liang).

  47. Documention of IAP two-level atmospheric general circulation model, TRO44, DOE/ER/60341-H1, 1989 (co-authors: X.H. Zhang, X.Z.Liang, C.G. Yuan and S.F.Chen).

  48. Variational principle of instability of atmospheric motions, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.6, No.2, 137-172, 1989.

  49. Experiments in numerical extraseasonal predication of climate anomalies, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.14, No.1, 10-25, 1990 (co-authors: Yuan Chong-guang, Wang Wan-qiu, Zhang Rong-hua).

  50. A design of an oceanic GCM without the rigid lid approximation and its application to the numerical simulation of the circulation of the Pacific Ocean, Journal of Marine Systems, 1, No.1, 271-292, 1991 (co-authors: X.H.Zhang and R.H.Zhang).

  51. Calculations of monthly mean currents in the South China Sea, Acientia Atmospheric Sinica, Vol.13, No.2, 127-138, 1989 (co-authors: Li Rong-feng, Ji Zhong-zhen, Gan Zi-jun and Ke Pei-hui).

  52. The spectra and spectral functions in rotating two-dimensional compressive motion. Part 1: Distribution of spectra, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.14, No.2, 129-142, 1990 (co-authors: Li Rong-feng and Zhang Ming).

  53. The spectra and spectral functions in rotating two-dimensional compressive motion. Part 2: The spectral functions and further analysis, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.15, No.1, 1990 (co-authors: Li Rong-feng and Zhang Ming).

  54. IAP AGCM and its application to the climate studies, in CLIMATE CHANGE, DYNAMICS AND MODELLING, Edited by Q.C.Zeng et al., China Meteorological Press, 1990 (co-authors: C.G.Yuan, X.H.Zhang, X.Z.Liang, N.Bao, W.Q.Wang and X.C.Lu).

  55. IAP Oceanic General Circulation Models, in LIMATE CHANGE, DYNAMICS AND MODELLING, Edited by Q.C.Zeng et al., China Meteorological Press, 1990 (co-authors: X.H.Zhang, C.G.Yuan,R.H.Zhang, N.Bao and X.Z.Liang).

  56. Experiments and Problems of Seasonal Extraseasonal Predictions by using Coupled GCM, in CLIMATE CHANGE, DYNAMICS AND MODELLING, Edited by Q.C.Zeng et al., China Meteorological Press, 1990 (co-authors: C.G.Yuan, W.G.Wang and R.H.Zhang).

  57. Validation of Climate Models, in THE IPCC SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT, Chapter 4, Edited by J.T. Houghton et al., Cambridge University Press, 1990 (co-authors: W.L.Gates and P.R. Rowntree).

  58. Numerical simulation of monsoons in the East Asia, in Meteorology and Environmental Sciences, Proceedings of the Course on Physical Climatology and Meteorology for Environmental Application, Trieste, Italy, May 23- June 17, 1988, edited by R. Guzzi et al., World Scientific Press, 303-315.

  59. Current research in numerical forecasting in China, in Meteorology and Environmental Sciences, Proceedings of the Course on Physical Climatology and Meteorology for Environmental Application, Trieste, Italy, May 23- June 17, 1988, edited by R. Guzzi et al., World Scientific Press, 316-336.

  60. Criteria for the nonlinear stability of three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic motions, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.8, No.1, 1-10, 1991 (co-author, M.Mu).

  61. On some basic problems of meso-scale and large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere, Journal of the Air Force Institute of Meteorology, 1991, Vol.12, No.3, 67-72.

  62. Numerical simulations of large-scale circulation of Pacific Ocean, Chinese J.A.S., 1991, vol.15, No.2-4 (co-authors: R.H.Zhang, and X.H.Zhang).

  63. On the seasons of atmospheric general circulation and their abrupt changes I: general concept and method, Chinese J.A.S., 1992, vol.16, 329-336 (co-author; B.L.Zhang).

  64. Numerical simulation of climate and environment, in Climate, Environment and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Proceedings of the Fourth International Summer Colloquium 20-25 July, 1992, Beijing, Edited by Ye Duzheng et al., China Meteorological Press, 1992).

  65. Maximum simplified dynamic model of grass field ecosystem with two variables, Science in China (Ser.B), 1994, Vol.37, No.1, 94-103 (co-authors: P.S.Lu and X.D.Zeng).

  66. Experiment of seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation (Invited paper), Proceedings of the International Conference on Monsoon variability and Prediction (Trieste, Italy, 9-13, 1994), WCRP, WMO/TD-No.619, 1994.

  67. A note on some methods suitable for verifying and correcting the prediction of climate anomaly, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.11, No.2, 121-127, 1994 (co-authors: B.L. Zhang et al.).

  68. The Asian summer monsoon--a case study, Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, Vol.60, Part.1, No.1, 81-96, 1994.

  69. A coupled general circulation model for the tropical Pacific Ocean and global atmosphere, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.12, No.3, 1995 (co-authors: R.H.Zhang et al.).

  70. IAP climate model and their applications, Progress in Natural Science, Vol.5, No.3, 257-269, 1995 (co-authors:C.G.Yuan and X.H.Zhang).

  71. Numerical modelling of silt sedimentation and delta evolution. Progress in Natural Science, Vol.5, No.2, 212-221, 1995 (co-authors: D.J. Guo and R.F. Li).

  72. Silt sedimentation and relevant engineering problem--an example of Natural Cybernetics (Invited lecture), ICIAM-95 Proceedings of the Invited Lectures, Akademic Veclag, Berlin, 1995, 463-487.

  73. The theory and application of dynamics related to the continuous spectrum, I, The theory, Science in China (Ser. B), Vol.25, No.11, 1210-1218, 1995 (co-author: S.Z. Ren).

  74. The theory of application of dynamics related to the continuous spectrum, II, The application to the study of atmospheric general circulation, Science in China (Ser. B), Vol.25, No.12, 1329-1338, 1995 (co-author: S.Z. Ren).

  75. Zeng Qingcun,1996:Natural cybernetics, Bullitin of the Chinese Academy Science, 10(2): 105-113.

  76. Long-term computational modeling research on river sedimentation and delta evolution, Climate and Environmental Research, Vol.1, No.1, 30-37, 1996 (co-author: D. J. Guo, et al.).

  77. Zeng Qingcun, C.G.Yuan et al.,1997: Seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation by GCMs, AAS. Vol.14, 163-176.

  78. An analytical dynamic model of grass field ecosystem with two variables, Ecological Modelling, Vol. 85, 187-196, 1996 (co-author: X.D. Zeng)

  79. Two-Variable dynamic model of grass field ecosystem with seasonal variation, Ecological Modelling, Vol.85, 197-202, 1996 (co-author: X.D.Zeng).

  80. Simulation of East Asian summer monsoon by using an improved AGCM, A.A.S.,Vol. 14, 513-526, 1997 (co-author: Z.H. Lin)

  81. A study on the seasons of general atmospheric circulation and their abrupt changes, II: Case study of particular year, Chinese J.A.S., Vol. 22,103-111, 1998 (co-author: B.L.Zhang)

  82. Seasonal variation of the atmospheric general circulation and monsoon, Chinese J.A.S. Vol. 22, 211-210, 1998 (co-author: B.L. Zhang)

  83. Simulation of the Asian Monsoon by IAP-AGCM coupled with an advanced land surface model (IAP 94), A.A.S. , Vol. 15, 1-16, 1998 (co-authors: Y.J. Dai, F. Xue)

  84. A mathematical model of climate dynamics suitable for modern mathematical analysis, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, Vol.22, No.4, 408-417, 1998

  85. Time dependence of the forecast skills of IAP ENSO prediction system and the forecast for the 1999's La Nina, Climate and Environmental Research, Vol.5,No.2, 109-117, 2000 (co-author: G.Q. Zhou )

  86. Prediction of summer climate anomaly over China for 1999 and its verification, Climate and Environmental Research, Vol.5, No.2, 97-108, 2000 (co-author: Z.H. Lin, Y. Zhao, G.Q. Zhou)

  87. Optical control of sedimentation in navigation channels, J. Hydraulic Engineering , 750-759, July 1999 (co-author: J. Zhu et al.)

  88. Discrete spectra and continuous-spectrum of the barotropic quasigeostrophic model - a calculation of meteorological data, A.A.S. Vol. 16, 487-506, 1999 (co-author: M.H. Zhang)

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