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气象学大师叶笃正先生逝世 享年98岁
发布时间:2013-10-17 来源: 【字号:  








  接收唁电传真:86-10-62028606 62028604











安芷生  岑智明柴育成巢纪平陈洪滨陈吉宁陈建民

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费建芳符淙斌 傅伯杰高登义葛全胜郭华东洪钟祥侯建国

胡敦欣黄建平 黄荣辉黄士松江桂斌赖廷谦李崇银 

李廉水  李泽椿廖国男林龙福林建华刘昌明刘丛强

刘光鼎刘嘉麒刘绍臣 刘振兴吕达仁吕建华罗四维马鹤年


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王维强温克刚温之平 文圣常吴国雄  伍荣生

徐冠华徐祥德许健民 杨伟愚杨修群姚檀栋姚振兴叶文钦

宇如聪曾庆存曾融生 翟盘茂张镜湖张弥曼张人禾张时禹

张新时张智北赵柏林 赵理曾赵思雄 郑国光周秀骥

周忠和朱伯承  朱日祥邹晓蕾  





Prof. Duzheng Ye (also spelt as Tu-Cheng Yeh), a world-renown meteorologist, passed away at 18:35 on 16 October, 2013 at the age of 98. Prof. Ye was a member of the Chinese Communist Party, one of the two prizewinners of the National Supreme Scientific and Technological Award in 2005, winner of the 48th IMO (International Meteorological Organization) Prize in 2003, a member of the Standing Committee of the 6th and 7th National People’s Congress, a Senior Academician, a former Vice President and Special Consultant of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member of the Finish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Honorary Member of the American Meteorological Society, Honorary Member of the Royal Meteorological Society of the U.K., a former President of the Chinese Meteorological Society, and former Chief Director and Honorary Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Duzheng Ye devoted himself to the Earth Sciences for more than 70 years and made major contributions to developments in this discipline. He was born in Tianjin, China on 21 February 1916. He received his first degree from Department of Meteorology, Tsinghua University in 1940, and Master Degree from Zhejiang University in 1943. During 1945-1948, he studied at University of Chicago supervised by Professor Carl-Gustaf Rossby and obtained his Ph.D. degree. He returned to China in 1950 and was one of the main founders of modern meteorology in China. He instigated the now well-established research efforts devoted to Tibetan Plateau meteorology; discovered the seasonal abrupt change of atmospheric general circulation over Asia; developed the theory of atmospheric longwave energy dispersion, and therefore provided the theoretical basis for modern atmospheric longwave forecasts; proposed the atmospheric movement adaption theory, which has since been applied to weather forecasting; and expanded global change research by building a framework of ”orderly human activities” in the context of a life-supporting environment and proposing climate change adaptation theories. He actively participated and advised the meteorological operation systems of China and made outstanding contributions to modern meteorological operations in the country. Prof. Ye was also actively involved in international cooperation and coordination. He served as an executive member of many international organizations, including: the Joint Scientific Committee/World Climate Research Programme (JSC/WCRP), the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP) Executive Committee, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (SC-IGBP), and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Bureau. In addition to his outstanding scientific achievements, Prof. Ye was also a great mentor and many of his students have, through his guidance, become renowned scientists in the international Earth Sciences community. He is, in every aspect, a true “master” of science and teaching and is widely remembered and respected.

Prof. Duzheng Ye fully dedicated his life to his profession and his country. He will be remembered for his leadership, innovation, generosity, kindness. His passing is a great loss to the science community and he will be dearly missed.

A funeral service will be held at Beijing Babaoshan Funeral Home from 10:00 am, 20 October, 2013.

The following contact details can be used for condolence emails, faxes and phone calls:

Email: condolence@mail.iap.ac.cn

Tel: 86-10-82995012/5010/5140/5037/5009

Fax: 86-10-62028606 62028604


