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Iowa State University Xiaoqing Wu
时间:2012-12-21 点击:

It is so sad to hear the news. Prof Tao has been a key figure in atmospheric science.

I am lucky to be one of his former students. The three-year (1983-1986) graduate study in IAP under Prof Tao's supervision built a solid foundation for my meteorology career.  Please convey my condolence to Prof Tao's family and Funeral Committee.


                              Xiaoqing Wu

                           Professor of Meteorology

                    Director, Iowa State University Meteorology Program

                   Associate Chair, Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences

联系方式: 王立志 82995140 wlz@mail.iap.ac.cn 任 丽 82995009 rl@mail.iap.ac.cn
  韩 蓉 82995012 hanr@mail.iap.ac.cn 周 权 82995010 zhouquan@mail.iap.ac.cn(网站)