亚洲夏季风(ASM)反气旋环流是对流层空气进入平流层的一个重要输送通道,中科院大气物理所LAGEO自2009年起在青藏高原典型测站开展大气臭氧、水汽和粒子垂直探空观测(SWOP)实验。团队成员与德国于利希研究中心开展合作,利用SWOP观测数据及拉格朗日轨迹模式,研究发现西太平洋台风系统中的深对流输送海洋大气边界层低臭氧浓度空气进入对流层上部与平流层下部区域(UTLS),然后经过长距离水平输送后进入ASM反气旋环流内部,揭示了大气边界层空气进入到ASM反气旋内的一个重要输送通道(Li et al., 2017)。
LI Dan, Baerbel VOGEL, Rolf MUELLER, BIAN Jianchun et al. (2021), Tropical cyclones reduce ozone in the tropopause region over the western Pacific: An analysis of 18 years ozonesonde profiles. Earth?s Future, 9, e2020EF001635. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EF001635.
LI Dan, Baerbel VOGEL, Rolf MUELLER, BIAN Jianchun et al. (2020), Dehydration and low ozone in the tropopause layer over the Asian monsoon caused by tropical cyclones: Lagrangian transport calculations using ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalysis data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4133–4152, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-4133-2020.
LI Dan, Baerbel VOGEL, BIAN Jianchun, Rolf MUELLER et al. (2017), Impact of typhoons on the composition of the upper troposphere within the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone: the SWOP campaign in Lhasa 2013, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 4657-4672, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-4657-2017.