
【8.31】Contrasting responses of urban and rural surface energy budgets to heat waves&农田蒸散稳定同位素通量及分割研究&长期大范围生态工程显著降低了中国沙尘暴发生频率吗?

  报告题目: Contrasting responses of urban and rural surface energy budgets to heat waves

  报 告 人: Prof. Dan LI

  单 位: Boston University/GFDL

  Abstract. Heat waves (HWs) are projected to become more frequent and last longer over most land areas in the late 21st century, which raises serious public health concerns. Urban residents face higher health risks due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect and synergies between HWs and urban heat islands (i.e., UHIs are higher under HW conditions). This presentation will primarily focus on the responses of urban and rural surface energy budgets to HWs using a combination of experimental data, numerical simulations and analytical model results. It is found that UHIs increase significantly during HWs, especially during the nighttime, implying synergies between HWs and UHIs. The synergies are primarily caused by the lack of water in cities, which prevent cities from increasing evaporation under HWs, and also the larger heat storage in cities, which is released after HWs. The results highlight the important role of water in linking urban microclimate and global climate change.



  报 告 人:龚道枝 副研究员

  单 位:中国农业科学院



  报 告 人:王锋 副研究员

  单 位:中国林业科学院


  时 间:2015年8月31日下午2:00-5:00

  地 点:大气所40号楼319会议室
