
【8.3】Turbulence in land-atmosphere coupling

  报告题目:Turbulence in land-atmosphere coupling

  报 告 人:Prof. Dan LI

  单 位:Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University

  时 间:2016年8月3日上午9:30-10:30

  地 点:大气所40号楼319会议室

  Turbulence is the agent in connecting the land with the atmosphere and consists of a wide range of scales. Close to the surface virtually all numerical models parameterize the effect of turbulent fluxes (momentum, heat and moisture) on the mean flow based on similarity theory and dimensional analysis. In this talk, recent progress on linking macroscopic relations of the mean flow (such as the mean velocity and temperature gradient) with turbulent kinetic and potential energy spectra will be reviewed. Such connections are based on solving the co-spectral budgets of momentum and heat fluxes with the Kolmogorov-Obukhov-Corrsin phenomenological theory. Comparisons between the co-spectral budget model results, empirically fitted Monin-Obukhov similarity functions, second-order turbulence closures for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations (e.g., the Mellor-Yamada scheme), and subgrid-scale models for large eddy simulations will be highlighted.
