
【11.23】Diffusion based devices for the evaluation of air pollution: The role of passive samplers and diffusion denuders for air quality assessment and management

  报告题目: Diffusion based devices for the evaluation of air pollution: The role of passive samplers and diffusion denuders for air quality assessment and management

  报告学者:Prof. Ivo Allegrini

  报告人单位:ENVINT Srl, Italy




  摘要: Diffusion based assessment methods presents definite advantage, especially when little information is known about the space distribution of pollutants. This is important information for the protection of local human health and for the planning of control strategies. In addition, since diffusion based methods are very suitable for the evaluation of space distribution of pollutants, they are extensively used to plan the design of fixed monitoring stations. In addition, since fixed monitored stations are limited in number, they may offer an important opportunity to increase the space resolution of data. Finally, passive samplers offer the opportunity to monitor pollutants difficult to evaluate by instrumental (automatic) methods.

  The presentation includes a brief presentation on the two main lines of products now available at ENVINT srl, Italy: passive samplers and diffusion denuders and how they can be used according to the main streamlines of European Legislation.

  A review on data gathered by passive samplers will be given according to experiences in Italy and China. It will be shown that, besides concentration data, passive samplers used in preliminary assessment work, may give important information about the occurrence and the sources of pollutants, especially where industrial and non-industry pollutants are present simultaneously. Mapping of pollutants are important to give indication about human exposure since the relevant parameters may be obtained with simple field operation. Practical examples will be reported.

  Diffusion denuders are also simple device which are able to characterize pollution by particulate matter. In fact, they allow the selective separation of gas and particulate pollutants. While gases are adsorbed on denuder tubes, particulate matter will proceed unaffected through the sampling line. After sampling, denuders and filters are removed for chemical analysis offering a direct way to perform a sufficiently accurate “source apportionment” of particulate matter.

  The presentation is also including discussion about the use of diffusion sampling, especially passive samplers, in the assessment of indoor pollution which complements the observation in ambient atmosphere for the assessment of people exposition to specific pollutants.

  Finally, two instruments by ENVINT for the selective field sampling of passive samplers and annular denuders will be presented.

  Prof. Ivo Allegrini: Short profile

  Prof. Ivo Allegrini graduated in Chemistry at the University of Rome. He gained a wealth of experience in air pollution in indoor, urban, industrial and remote areas through a series of studies and researches carried out on behalf of universities, research centers, major industries and public administrations in Italy and abroad. Since 1971 he was engaged in scientific research in the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution of the Italian National Research Council where he was appointed as Director for 22 years. He had the opportunity to develop important projects in several aspects of air pollution such as those in polar areas (Arctic and Antarctica), those on environmental sensing with airborne and satellite platforms and on chemical and physical processes related to emissions, transformations and depositions of air pollutants.

  He gave a major boost to the development of measurement and control equipment and devices for the measurement of pollutants in gas and particulate phase. He also developed a great deal of research for the protection of artistic heritage, especially inside museums and indoor pollution. In addition, he collaborates in institutional activities of many local authorities, international organizations, ministries for the adaptation of legislation and for law enforcement in civil, criminal and administrative matters. He was also very active in the legislation and technical development in European Commission.

  His activity is attested by about 300 scientific papers, technical papers, books and participations in Congress, as well as from the participation as a lecturer in many courses of higher education. Currently he is a consultant for the Italian Ministry of the Environment for which coordinates a working group for the reduction of pollution in critical areas of Italy. He was active since 2001 in the Sino-Italian cooperation program for Environmental Protection where he developed important projects for 2008 Beijing Olympiads and EXPO 2010 in Shanghai as well as in many other Chinese cities such as Urumqi, Lanzhou and Suzhou. Recently he is supporting environmental R/D in the field of relevant industries such as refineries, cement plants and iron and steel plants.

  Now he is engaged in assistance programs with the Beijing Municipality Environmental Protection Board in the implementation of the “PM2,5 monitoring project” and he is also General Manager of ENVINT srl dedicated to diffusion sampling for the evaluation of air pollution in indoor and outdoor environments. In addition, he is still very active in high level formation at University of Rome teaching in Chemistry Courses. His current field of technical interest is on environmental legislation, the chemical and physical processes of formation and monitoring of suspended particulate matter and the development of new instrumentation for the monitoring of gaseous species and particulate matter. Prof. Ivo ALLEGRINI is recognized as one of the world's leading experts in air pollution and its environmental impact.
