

  《大气科学进展》(Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,AAS)为表彰对AAS学术质量作出卓越贡献的作者、审稿人和编委,经主编审核批准,AAS将颁发2023年度优秀文章、优秀审稿人、优秀编委奖。获奖名单如下:



  ·The 2020/21 Extremely Cold Winter in China Influenced by the Synergistic Effect of La Nina and Warm Arctic

  Fei Zheng, Yuan Yuan, Yihui Ding, Kexin Li, Xianghui Fang, Yuheng Zhao, Yue Sun, Jiang Zhu, Zongjian Ke, Ji Wang & Xiaolong Jia


  ·Upper Ocean Temperatures Hit Record High in 2020

  Lijing Cheng, John Abraham, Kevin E. Trenberth, John Fasullo, Tim Boyer, Ricardo Locarnini, Bin Zhang, Fujiang Yu, Liying Wan, Xingrong Chen, Xiangzhou Song, Yulong Liu, Michael E. Mann, Franco Reseghetti, Simona Simoncelli, Viktor Gouretski, Gengxin Chen, Alexey Mishonov, Jim Reagan & Jiang Zhu


  ·FY-3E: The First Operational Meteorological Satellite Mission in an Early Morning Orbit

  Peng Zhang, Xiuqing Hu, Qifeng Lu, Aijun Zhu, Manyun Lin, Ling Sun, Lin Chen & Na Xu




  ·Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Database Created by the China Meteorological Administration

  Xiaoqin Lu, Hui Yu, Ming Ying, Bingke Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Limin Lin, Lina Bai & Rijin Wan



  ·The Record-breaking Mei-yu in 2020 and Associated Atmospheric Circulation and Tropical SST Anomalies

  Yihui Ding, Yunyun Liu & Zeng-Zhen Hu


 · CMIP6 Evaluation and Projection of Temperature and Precipitation over China

  Xiaoling Yang, Botao Zhou, Ying Xu & Zhenyu Han


  ·A Deep Learning Method for Bias Correction of ECMWF 24–240 h Forecasts

  Lei Han, Mingxuan Chen, Kangkai Chen, Haonan Chen, Yanbiao Zhang, Bing Lu, Linye Song & Rui Qin


  ·Future Changes in Extreme High Temperature over China at 1.5°C–5°C Global Warming Based on CMIP6 Simulations

  Guwei Zhang, Gang Zeng, Xiaoye Yang & Zhihong Jiang


  ·Cause of Extreme Heavy and Persistent Rainfall over Yangtze River in Summer 2020

  Xiao Pan, Tim Li, Ying Sun & Zhiwei Zhu



  Our featured reviewers are those who have:

  ·made a significant and positive contribution to the peer review process, regardless of whether the paper was eventually accepted by the journal;

  ·demonstrated professionalism and compassion in their reviews; and

  ·provided constructive and timely review comments that help the authors to improve their work.

  We must note that, while it is our opinion that these reviewers have provided exceptional reviews, many of our reviewers meet the above criteria and we regret that we cannot recognize each of them publicly here. We are equally grateful to all of the individuals who agree to review for Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. We hope that by highlighting a few of our most outstanding reviewers, we can bring attention to the valuable contributions of peer reviewers to the scientific process.

  Join us in celebrating our outstanding peer reviewers for 2023.




  Mike Davey,Buwen Dong, Shoji Kusunoki, Heping Liu, Xiong Liu, Andrew Orr, Craig Schwartz, Jin-Yi Yu, Kosaka YU,曹军骥,陈显尧,韩雷,李建平,吕建华,薛明,杨清华,张琼,张向东,赵传峰,赵纯


