论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 发表年度
Evaluation of thermal roughness schemes in surface heat transfer simulations over grassland in Southeast Tibet ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Ma, Shupo 2022
Evaluating the Nature and Extent of Changes to Climate Sensitivity Between FGOALS-g2 and FGOALS-g3 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Wang, He 2022
Tibetan Plateau Made Central Asian Drylands Move Northward, Concentrate in Narrow Latitudinal Bands, and Increase in Intensity During the Cenozoic GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Zhang, Ran 2022
Unexpected Increases of Severe Haze Pollution During the Post COVID-19 Period: Effects of Emissions, Meteorology, and Secondary Production JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Zhou, Wei 2022
Key Processes on Triggering the Moderate 2020/21 La Nina Event as Depicted by the Clustering Approach FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Cao, Ting-Wei 2022
Improvement of PM2.5 forecast over China by the joint adjustment of initial conditions and emissions with the NLS-4DVar method ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Zhang, Shan 2022
Sensitivities of simulated global aerosol optical depth and aerosol-radiation interactions to different horizontal resolutions in CAS-FGOALS-f3 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Zhao, Min 2022
Impact of urbanization on the thermal environment of the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration under complex terrain EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS Chen, Si 2022
Comparative study of the simulation and mechanism of two different severe thunderstorms embedded in a squall line in North China ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Liu, Yanan 2022
How do aerosols above the residual layer affect the planetary boundary layer height? SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Ma, Yongjing 2022
The decline in the groundwater table depth over the past four decades in China simulated by the Noah-MP land model JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY Li, Mingxing 2022
Synoptic and Climatic Conditions of an Extreme Snowstorm Event Over Northeast China and Its Climate Predictability FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Wang, Lushan 2022
Interdecadal Modulation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Relationship Between Spring Arctic Oscillation and the Following Winter ENSO FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Chen, Shangfeng 2022
Synergistic effect of reductions in multiple gaseous precursors on secondary inorganic aerosols in winter under a meteorology-based redistributed daily NH3 emission inventory within the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Ye, Zhilan 2022
MJO Propagation over the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific in CMIP5 Models: Roles of Background States JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Chen, Guiwan 2022
Evaluating the contribution of satellite measurements to the reconstruction of three-dimensional ocean temperature fields in combination with Argo profiles ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA Chen, Jian 2022
Turbulence Parameters in the Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere Observed by Beijing MST Radar REMOTE SENSING Chen, Ze 2022
Comparison of impact and water vapor characteristics between two types of floods in Eastern China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Guo, Lianyi 2022
Water Vapor Density Retrieval Studies Using Commercial Millimeter-Wave Links at 38 GHz and E-Band REMOTE SENSING Han, Congzheng 2022
Quantifying the Influence of a Burn Event on Ammonia Concentrations Using a Machine-Learning Technique ATMOSPHERE Hu, Jiabao 2022
Asymmetrical Trends of Burned Area Between Eastern and Western Siberia Regulated by Atmospheric Oscillation GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Zhu, Xingru 2021
In-Cloud Discharge of Positive Cloud-To-Ground Lightning and Its Influence on the Initiation of Tower-Initiated Upward Lightning JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Yuan, Shanfeng 2021
Evolving Threshold of Flood-Leading Precipitation in a User-Oriented Forecast System Based on the TIGGE Dataset FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Zheng, Ziyan 2021
Interannual Variability in August Drought in Northern China and the Corresponding Climate Shift JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Liu, Yang 2021
Double Intertropical Convergence Zones in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models: Progress in CMIP6 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Si, Wei 2021