论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 发表年度
High-resolution modeling of the distribution of surface air pollutants and their intercontinental transport by a global tropospheric atmospheric chemistry source-receptor model (GNAQPMS-SM) GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Ye, Qian 2021
Intensified Impact of Winter Arctic Oscillation on Simultaneous Precipitation Over the Mid-High Latitudes of Asia Since the Early 2000s FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Zhou, Haibo 2021
Mixing state of refractory black carbon in fog and haze at rural sites in winter on the North China Plain ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Zhang, Yuting 2021
Impact of North America snow cover on tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Cao, Xi 2021
Wave Trains of 10-30-Day Meridional Wind Variations over the North Pacific during Summer JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Du, Lei 2021
Trends in the Diurnal Temperature Range over the Southern Slope of Central Himalaya: Retrospective and Prospective Evaluation ATMOSPHERE Hamal, Kalpana 2021
Radiative Transfer Model Simulations for Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers in North China REMOTE SENSING He, Wenying 2021
Heterogeneous Trends of Precipitation Extremes in Recent Two Decades over East Africa JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH Mtewele, Zacharia Florence 2021
Asymmetric Impact of the Scandinavian Pattern on Stratospheric Circulation Anomalies JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Pang, Bo 2021
Mean states and future projections of precipitation over the monsoon transitional zone in China in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models CLIMATIC CHANGE Piao, Jinling 2021
The Implication of Outflow Structure for the Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones under Vertical Wind Shear MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Shi, Donglei 2021
Evaluating the performance of CMIP6 Earth system models in simulating global vegetation structure and distribution (vol 12, pg 584, 2021) ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH Song Xiang 2021
Using deep learning to predict the East Asian summer monsoon ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Tang, Yuheng 2021
Typical Circulation Patterns and Associated Mechanisms for Persistent Heavy Rainfall Events over Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley during 1981-2020 ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Wang, Huijie 2021
Implementation of an Orographic Drag Scheme Considering Orographic Anisotropy in All Flow Directions in the Earth System Model CAS-ESM 2.0 JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS Xie, Jinbo 2021
System bias correction of short-term hub-height wind forecasts using the Kalman filter PROTECTION AND CONTROL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS Xu, Jingjing 2021
Comparative Evaluation of the Performances of TRMM-3B42 and Climate Prediction Centre Morphing Technique (CMORPH) Precipitation Estimates over Thailand JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Yang, Wen-Ting 2021
Influence of Sea Surface Temperature on the Predictability of Idealized Tropical Cyclone Intensity JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY Zhong Quan-jia 2021
Atmospheric Structure Observed over the Antarctic Plateau and Its Response to a Prominent Blocking High Event JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH Zhu, Jinhuan 2021
Numerical Analysis of the Impact of Complex Urban Environment on a Snowfall Event in Beijing JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Guo, Liangchen 2021
Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Geoengineering on the Summer Climate Over East Asia JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Liu, Zhaochen 2021
Decreasing Influence of Summer Snow Cover Over the Western Tibetan Plateau on East Asian Precipitation Under Global Warming FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Wang, Zhibiao 2021
Study on the Sensitivity of Initial Perturbations to the Development of a Vortex Observed in Southwest China JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Chen, Gong 2021
Projected Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over Jiulongjiang River Basin in Coastal Southeast China FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Li, Chang 2021
Impact of October Snow Cover in Central Siberia on the Following Spring Extreme Precipitation Frequency in Southern China FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE Zhang, Mengqi 2021