论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 发表年度
Understanding the Forcing Mechanisms of the 1931 Summer Flood along the Yangtze River, the World's Deadliest Flood on Record JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Zhou, Yueqi 2023
Turbulence behaviors underlying the sensible heat and water vapor flux dissimilarity in a stably stratified flow ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS Guo, Xiaofeng 2023
Influence of Arctic Sea-ice Concentration on Extended-range Forecasting of Cold Events in East Asia ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Li, Chunxiang 2023
Multi-scale variability features of global sea surface temperature over the past century FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE Xu, Zhenhao 2023
Cold Springs Over Mid-Latitude North America Induced by Tropical Atlantic Warming GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Hou, Yurong 2023
Combined Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Summer Precipitation in Eastern China During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Ge, Yucen 2023
Persistently Southward of the South Asian High During the Radiative Forcing Stabilization JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Hou, Hongyu 2023
Physical Model of Gusty Coherent Structure in Atmospheric Boundary Layer JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Li, Qilong 2023
Enabling a process-oriented hydro-biogeochemical model to simulate soil erosion and nutrient losses BIOGEOSCIENCES Li, Siqi 2023
Analysis of turbulence intensity in the megacity of Beijing by High-frequency observations on a 325-m Tower RENEWABLE ENERGY Liu, Lei 2023
Seasonal prediction of summer extreme precipitation frequencies over Southwest China based on machine learning ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Nie, Yanbo 2023
The impact of aerosol-meteorology feedback on the effectiveness of emission reduction for PM2.5: A modeling case study in Northern China ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH He, Jing 2023
New Insights Into Scavenging Effect of Aerosol Species During Summer Rainfall Process in Beijing JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Li, Yan 2023
Role of the Thermodynamic Structure of the Inner Core in Predicting the Intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015) JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Zhong, Quanjia 2023
Contrasting effects of clean air actions on surface ozone concentrations in different regions over Beijing from May to September 2013-2020 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Zhang, Lei 2023
On the coupled interdecadal variations of the extra-tropical surface air temperature and the isentropic meridional airmass transport in Northern winter INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY Liu, Bowen 2023
Diverse impacts of strong and moderate intense El Nino-Southern Oscillation events on spring precipitation over Asia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY Jing, Haotong 2023
Formation and evolution mechanisms of a destructive-wind-producing thunderstorm in Shanghai ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Liu, Yanan 2023
Simulating heat and CO2 fluxes in Beijing using SUEWS V2020b: sensitivity to vegetation phenology and maximum conductance GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Zheng, Yingqi 2023
Analysis of urban turbulence intensity observed by Beijing 325-m tower and comparison with the IEC turbulence model for small wind turbines JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS Zhang, Zhe 2023
Evaluation of the seasonal to decadal variability in dynamic sea level simulations from CMIP5 to CMIP6 GEOSCIENCE LETTERS Jin, Chenyang 2023
Future Projections of Extreme Integrated Water Vapor Transport and Population Exposure Over the Asian Monsoon Region EARTHS FUTURE Guo, Lianyi 2023
Synoptic Atmospheric Patterns Responsible for Summer Extreme High-Temperature Events over Northern Asia: Evolution, Precursor, and Long-Term Change JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Hong, Haixu 2023
Mechanical and Thermal Forcings of Asian Large-Scale Orography on Spring Cloud Amount and Atmospheric Radiation Budget over East Asia JOURNAL OF CLIMATE LI, Jiandong 2023
Southern Annular Mode: A New Factor Impacts the East African Short Rains after the Early 1990s JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Mbigi, Dickson 2023