论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 发表年度
Annual Cycle in Upper-Ocean Heat Content and the Global Energy Budget JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Pan, Yuying 2023
Predicting Changes in Population Exposure to Precipitation Extremes over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration with Regional Climate Model RegCM4 on a Convection-Permitting Scale SUSTAINABILITY Qin, Peihua 2023
Application of the Observation-Oriented CNOP-P Sensitivity Analysis Method in Evapotranspiration Simulation and Prediction Over the Tibetan Plateau WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Sun, Guodong 2023
Fast Response of East Asian Precipitation in June 2020 to Local and Remote Aerosol Emission Reductions during COVID-19 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Wang, Weiyi 2023
Effect of In Situ Large Soil Column Translocation on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes under Two Temperate Forests of Northeastern China FORESTS Xu, Xingkai 2023
Correcting Nonstationary Sea Surface Temperature Bias in NCEP CFSv2 Using Ensemble-Based Neural Networks JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY Yang, Ziying 2023
Response of ocean climate to different heat-flux perturbations over the North Atlantic in FAFMIP ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH Yin, Wen-Yu 2023
Interannual Variations in the Intraseasonal Variability of Spring Precipitation over Southern China and the Possible Mechanisms JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Zeng, Zixuan 2023
Recent massive expansion of wildfire and its impact on active layer over pan-Arctic permafrost ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Zhu, Xingru 2023
Regional difference in precipitation seasonality over China from CMIP6 projections INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY Hu, Dan 2023
Asymmetrical Modulation of the Relationship Between the Western Pacific Pattern and El Nino-Southern Oscillation by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in the Boreal Winter GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Aru, Hasi 2023
Significant changes in size distribution of aerosols in Beijing after clean air actions ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH Xu, Min 2023
Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Organic Aerosol During Photochemical Aging of Cooking and Burning Emissions JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Xu, Weiqi 2023
Variations in the 30-60-Day Intra-Seasonal Variability of Spring Precipitation Over the Mid-Low Reaches of the Yangtze River and the Possible Mechanism JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Yu, Shui 2023
Summer precipitation variability in the Mongolian Plateau and its possible causes GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE Li, Yulan 2023
First estimation of high-resolution solar photovoltaic resource maps over China with Fengyun-4A satellite and machine learning RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS Shi, Hongrong 2023
Aspects of potential vorticity circulation in the Northern Hemisphere: climatology and variation CLIMATE DYNAMICS Sheng, Chen 2023
An approach to refining the ground meteorological observation stations for improving PM2.5 forecasts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Yang, Lichao 2023
Integrated changes in tropical precipitation and circulation under global warming: moist static energy budget and the role of sea surface warming pattern CLIMATE DYNAMICS Zhang, Jiayu 2023
CAS FGOALS-f3-L Model Datasets for CMIP6 DCPP Experiment ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Hu, Shuai 2023
Interpreting precipitation δ18O over eastern China for the Asian summer monsoon: Results from the last millennium simulations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY Liu, Yujia 2023
Enhanced relationship between February Aleutian low and spring extreme consecutive dry days in the Yangtze-Huai River region in recent two decades: roles of Bering Sea ice and stratospheric polar vortex CLIMATE DYNAMICS Zeng, Zixuan 2023
Characteristics of negative breakdowns in extinguished channels of a positive cloud-to-ground flash ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Tang, Guoying 2023
An ensemble of 48 physically perturbed model estimates of the 1/8? terrestrial water budget over the conterminous United States, 1980-2015 EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA Zheng, Hui 2023
Prediction of daily PM2.5 and ozone based on high-density weather stations in China: Nonlinear effects of meteorology, human and ecosystem health risks ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Wang, Lili 2023