
Call for abstracts to Theme 4 of Open Science Symposium (OSS) on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate

Open Science Symposium (OSS) on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate

Oct 15-17, 2012, Qingdao China

Call for abstracts to Theme 4:

Influences of WPO on regional (e.g., monsoon, typhoon, extreme climatic events) and global climate systems and their predictability http://oss2012.csp.escience.cn/

NPOCE (Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment) and SPICE (Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment) will hold an Open Science Symposium (OSS) on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate in Qingdao, China on Oct 15-17, 2012.

The OSS will bring together nearly three hundred eminent scientists from the field of oceanology at home and abroad, for the purpose of promoting communication of research achievements on the aspects of western Pacific circulation as well as its influence on the climate conditions such as the warm pool maintenance and its role in low-frequency variability, modulation of the ENSO cycle, the EAM variability, and the NWP tropical cyclones. As the organizers, we will adhere to the objectives and goals persistently and earnestly, develop our scientific themes deeply and broadly and spend all the energies on the organization and service of the meeting.
You may submit your abstract via the symposium website http://oss2012.csp.escience.cn/ .

Theme 4: Jianping Li, Dake Chen, Andreas Schiller, Swadhin Behera
Co-chairs: Influences of WPO on regional (e.g., monsoon, typhoon, extreme climatic events) and global climate systems and their predictability

Please note the following deadlines:

Abstract submission by July 15, 2012

Financial support application by July 30, 2012
