
【10.22】ACSPO AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis

  报告人: Xinjia Zhou,NOAA/STAR

  时 间: 2014年10月22日,星期三, 10:00-11:00

  地 点:大气所40号楼912  


  Following a request from the NOAA Coral Reef Watch Program, 4 km resolution GAC data from several AVHRR instruments flown onboard NOAA-15, -16, -17, -18, -19 and MetOp-A, -B satellites from 2002-2013 are being reprocessed using NOAA Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) system. The ACSPO reanalysis (RAN) L2 product will be also blended with geostationary SST, to produce the NOAA geo-polar L4 SST analysis product. This presentation evaluates ACSPO-RAN1 SST. These results are currently being in the SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM). The SST evaluation is against several long-term L4 and in situ SSTs. Quality controlled in situ data come from another NOAA online system, in situ Quality Monitor (iQuam), which includes drifters and moored buoys. Data from some AVHRRs (onboard NOAA-17, -19, and two Metops) are more stable and of higher quality, and better suited for the use in coral reef and L4 assimilation analyses. Other AVHRRs (onboard NOAA-15, -16 and -18) are less stable. The stability of SST time series is linked to AVHRR calibration, as seen from the NOAA radiance monitoring system, (MICROS). Work is underway to fix AVHRR calibration, and more stable ACSPO RAN SST product, and extend it back in time to cover the full AVHRR era from ~1981 onward.
