
【10.27】Global Hydrodynamic Modelling of Large-scale Flooding in Continental Rivers

  报告题目:Global Hydrodynamic Modelling of Large-scale Flooding in Continental Rivers

  报 告 人:Dr. Dai Yamazaki

  单 位:JAMSTEC – Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology


  报告时间:2014年10月27日(星期一)3:30 pm

  摘 要: Global river models are an essential tool for both earth system studies and water resources assessments. Realistic representation of hydrodynamics during large-scale flooding (e.g. discharge, water level, inundated area) is a key issue, however it is very difficult to simulate large-scale flooding because floodplain inundation dynamics is regulated by much smaller scale topography than typical resolutions of global river models (>10 km). Here we introduce a state-of-the-art global hydrodynamic model, CaMa-Flood (Catchment-based Macro-scale Floodplain model), which fully utilizes high-resolution (~100 m) satellite-based topography data (e.g. SRTM3 DEM, HydroSHEDS) to represent the flood inundation dynamics as sub-grid-scale physics. River discharge (i.e. water flux between grid boxes) is calculated by a hydrodynamic flow equation, while water level and inundated area are diagnosed from water storage in each grid box. The result of global hydrodynamic simulations with CaMa-Flood suggests that floodplain inundation regulates daily river discharge variations in continental rivers by attenuating flood waves. Simulated water surface elevations and inundated areas are accurate enough for a direct comparison against satellite observations.
