
【4.2】Inter-discipline research for smart cities: a perspective from Computer Science

  报告题目:Inter-discipline research for smart cities: a perspective from Computer Science

  报告人:Dr Dan Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University




  Smart city recently receives great interest due to the increasing stress on the environment, energy, health, etc, in metropolis areas. It has become a research topic for disciplines ranging from natural sciences, social sciences to engineering. Clearly, a smart city, with the vision that people, environment, and the city components stay in efficiency and in harmony cannot be achieved by any single discipline; thus inter-discipline research flourishes.

  In this talk, we first discuss the recent inter-discipline research path of computer sciences, and a few hot concepts, such as Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, and cyber-physical systems. We then present two concrete examples: 1) an example of big data in smart cities, where we developed associations between two physical sciences; and 2) an example of joint modeling of computer science and built environment, in particular, physiology, where we contribute a new direction for dynamic thermal comfort control and energy conservation. Finally, we share some experiences on our inter-discipline research in the past years.


  Dan Wang received his B. Sc from Peking University, M. Sc from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, and Ph. D. from Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, all in Computer Science. He is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interest is computer networking and recently he studies extensively on smart cities, big data and green computing. He has done multiple inter-discipline research projects, including award winning wireless structural health monitoring of the Guangzhou New TV Tower. He published extensively in IEEE INFOCOM, ACM SIGMETRICS, IEEE ICNP, ACM e-Energy, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE RTSS, etc. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
