
【9.29】Source apportionment of city CO2 using atmospheric inversion

  报告题目:Source apportionment of city CO2 using atmospheric inversion

  报 告 人:吴林 博士

  单 位:法国气候与环境科学实验室




  Cities, the single largest contributor to climate change, directly release to the atmosphere about 44% of global energy-related CO2, and are associated with 71-76% of CO2 emissions from global final energy use. To effectively mitigate the net negative climate impact of cities, it is necessary to routinely evaluate the CO2 emission budgets from the whole city and from the contributing sectoral sources such as commercial and residential buildings, road transport and energy production by power plants. Such evaluations can be better performed by Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) procedures that play a key role for market- or policy-based mitigation actions. In this setting, we will discuss the application of an atmospheric inversion method that exploits inventory data and continuous atmospheric CO2 concentration measurements from a network of stations within and around cities to estimate city CO2 emissions. Our study case is the monitoring of the emissions of the Paris metropolitan area (~12 million inhabitants and 11.4 TgC emitted in 2010) based on several large hypothetical networks of cheap sensors, with a focus on assessing the ability of the inversion system to reduce the uncertainties in the estimates of sectoral CO2 emissions for better source apportionment of city CO2.


  吴林,法国气候与环境科学实验室(Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory,LSCE),助理研究员。


  2001/07 – 2005/05,法国约瑟夫·傅立叶(UJF, Grenoble)大学,应用数学博士学位,导师:Francois-Xavier Le Dimet, Philippe De Reffye, 胡包刚

  1994/09 – 2001/07,大连理工大学自动化系,工学硕士


  2012/3-至今,法国气候与环境科学实验室(Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory,LSCE),助理研究员

  2005/6-2012/3,法国路桥大学大气环境研究实验室(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, CEREA),助理研究员
