
【7.1】The BC impact on direct forcing, constraining the aerosol indirect effect by satellite observations and the aerosol climate impact as a function of time

  学术报告:The BC impact on direct forcing, constraining the aerosol indirect effect by satellite observations and the aerosol climate impact as a function of time

  报 告 人:Dr. Stefan Kinne

  单 位:Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Germany




Dr. Stefan Kinne received his diploma in Meteorology at the University of Hamburg, Germany in 1981 and his PhD at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City in 1987 for research in atmospheric radiative transfer. His research focused on radiative transfer and climate aspects of high altitude (cirrus) clouds.

After his PhD he joined the NASA-Ames Research Center in California to continue cloud studies also analyzing data of several field experiments (FIRE, ICE and SUCCESS). In 1997 he moved to the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center to join an inter-disciplinary effort aimed at reducing the uncertainties associated with the climatic impact of tropospheric aerosol. In 2002 Dr. Stefan Kinne returned to Hamburg to join the atmospheric modeling group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. Here, his efforts to evaluate and improve the aerosol component in climate models continued by co-coordinating the AeroCom initiative.
