
【7.5】Mass Spectrometry of Atmospheric Aerosol: 1 nanometer to 1 micron

  报告题目:Mass Spectrometry of Atmospheric Aerosol: 1 nanometer to 1 micron

  报告人: Douglas Worsnop, Aerodyne Research and University of Helsinki




  Despite much effort in the past decades, uncertainties in both climate impacts and health effects of atmospheric aerosols remain large. During the last ten years, aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) has shown that sub-micron aerosol chemical composition is roughly 50:50 inorganic and organic worldwide. Elemental analysis, via time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ToFMS), has resolved primary and secondary aerosol and shown that highly oxidized components dominate remote aerosol organic loading. Parallel application of ToFMS to directly sample atmospheric ions has provided the first observation of molecular cluster ions involved in atmospheric nucleation. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS), based on high pressure TOFMS, has extended detection to neutral molecules and clusters, detecting highly oxidized multifunctional (HOM) organics in the gas phase. Ambient sampling and photochemical chamber experiments have resolved the interaction of H2SO4 and low volatility organic vapors in nanoparticle particle nucleation and growth.

  报告人简介:Douglas Worsnop

  Douglas R. Worsnop received his PhD in chemistry from Harvard University (1982); was a Humboldt Fellow in Physics at the University of Freiburg, Germany; joined Aerodyne Research, outside Boston, in 1985. Now Vice-President (2000), he also has been FiDiPro Professor of Physics at the University of Helsinki since 2007. A Fellow of AAAS, AGU and AAAR, winner of the Benjamin Liu Prize for Aerosol Instrumentation (AAAR), the Yoram Kaufmann Award for Unselfish Cooperation in Research (AGU), and the Fuchs Memorial Award (IARA) for outstanding research in aerosol science, he has over 400 publications in chemical kinetics and aerosol chemistry, specializing in laboratory and field studies of heterogeneous interactions of gases and aerosol particles.
