
【5.19】Changing Arctic climate: sea ice and freshwater, atmospheric forcing and their interactions

  题 目:Changing Arctic climate: sea ice and freshwater, atmospheric forcing and their interactions

  报 告 人: Dr. Minghong Zhang

  单 位: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada

  地 点:40号楼319会议室

  时 间:2017年5月19号(周五)9:30 am


  Arctic sea ice has been rapidly decreasing over the past three decades. The rapid retreat of summer ice has led to increased demands for forecasts of sea ice conditions on seasonal to interannual time scales due to social and economic interests in the Arctic. Increased internal variability has played an important role in several record-breaking minima of ice cover over the last decade, particularly due to factors such as decreased ice thickness. The increased internal variability complicates the prospects for improved forecast skill for near-term ice forecasts. A better understanding of the internal variations in Arctic sea ice is becoming increasingly important for both seasonal predictions and longer time scale future climate projections of the Arctic. In this talk, the impacts of atmospheric circulation forcing modes on the summer Arctic sea ice will be discussed.
