
【5.22】Challenges in process-based hydrologic modeling: processes, parameters, and uncertainty

  报告题目:Challenges in process-based hydrologic modeling: processes, parameters, and uncertainty

  报 告 人:Dr. Martyn Clark

  单 位:National Center for Atmospheric Research

  时 间:2017年5月22上午9:00—10:30

  地 点:大气所科研楼303会议室



  Martyn Clark is a Senior Scientist in the Hydrometeorological Applications Program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Editor-in-Chief of Water Resources Research, and Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.

  Martyn’s research on the numerical modeling and prediction of hydrologic processes has included coupling of hydrology and climate models, development of spatially distributed hydrologic models, development of methods for hydrologic data assimilation, and development of methods to quantify hydrologic model uncertainty. His current research spans three broad areas: (i) developing innovative approaches for simulating hydrological processes, including understanding inter-model differences; (ii) developing methods to improve streamflow forecasts; and (iii) understanding space-time variability in climate and hydrology, including understanding the impacts of climate change on regional water resources. Martyn has authored or co-authored over 130 journal articles since receiving his PhD in 1998.
