
【9.4】 Knowledge gained from mercury speciation data

  报告题目: Knowledge gained from mercury speciation data

  报告学者:Leiming Zhang




  报告摘要:Atmospheric mercury is operationally defined as gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury or reactive gaseous mercury (GOM), and particulate-bound mercury (PBM). Monitored mercury speciation data (GEM, GOM and PBM) at multiple locations have only become available in recent several years. This talk includes two parts with the first part briefly summarizing recent studies making use of mercury speciation data and the second part discussing the mercury dry deposition project within the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) in North America. The first part covers measurement challenges and uncertainties, various data analysis and applications, and future research needs. The second part describes the approach used for estimating mercury dry deposition and major results generated from the first six-year data of the mercury speciation network.

  学者简介: Dr. Leiming Zhang is a Senior Research Scientist in Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly known as Environment Canada). He obtained his Bachelor and Master degree from Nanjing University, China, and his doctoral degree from York University, Canada, all in atmospheric sciences. He has been working in Environment Canada since 1994 on air quality modeling and data analysis. He has been an adjunct professor in University of Waterloo (Waterloo) and York University (Toronto) in Canada, and several universities and research institutes in China. He has served as an editor of the journal Atmospheric Chemistry Physics and the journal Aerosol and Air Quality Research. He has published over 140 journal papers which have generated over 4500 citations.

  张雷鸣博士是加拿大环境部高级研究员。他于1988及1991年在南京大学大气科学系取得本科及硕士学位, 2005年在加拿大约克大学取得博士学位。1991-1993年在中国科学院大气物理研究所工作, 1994至今在加拿大环境部工作, 2006年被聘为研究员, 2016年被聘为高级研究员。张雷鸣博士是加拿大滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo) 和约克大学 (York University) 客座教授, Atmospheric Chemistry Physics和Aerosol and Air Quality Research期刊杂志编辑。他的研究方向包括多种大气污染物的源汇, 传输和物理化学过程分析, 以及空气质量模式的建立。已发表论文140余篇,被引用4500余次。
