
【10.19】CO2 Radiative Forcing: Beyond a Global Mean Value

  报告题目:CO2 Radiative Forcing: Beyond a Global Mean Value

  报 告 人:Prof. Yi Huang

  单 位:Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University

  时 间:2017年10月19上午10:00-11:30

  地 点:大气所40号楼319会议室

  Radiative forcing refers to the perturbation of Earth radiation energy balance by a radiatively active agent. This concept has been mainly applied in the prediction of global mean temperature change (i.e., the extent of global warming). However, because of its strong dependency on other atmospheric variables, radiative forcing has distinctive distribution patterns even in the case of well-mixed greenhouse gases such as CO2. In this talk, I will show a few aspects of climate change that can be directly inferred from the pattern of the CO2 radiative forcing, including 1) the increase of poleward energy transport in the atmosphere and decrease in the ocean, and 2) the weakening of tropical mean circulation strengthen during global warming.
