


  报告学者:张雷鸣 博士

  报告时间:2019年9月16日 上午9:30-10:30



  报告摘要: Atmospheric mercury (Hg) is operationally defined as gaseous elemental Hg (GEM), gaseous oxidized Hg (GOM) or reactive gaseous Hg, and particulate-bound Hg (PBM). Monitored Hg speciation data at multiple locations only became available in the recent decade. The speciation data are useful in identifying Hg source-receptor relationships, evaluating Hg transport models, quantifying Hg atmospheric deposition budget, exploring chemical processes of Hg in air, etc. This talk first provides an overview of background knowledge of atmospheric Hg, measurement uncertainties of GOM, and various applications of Hg speciation data. A recently study on atmospheric chemistry of GOM at a coastal site in Atlantic Canada is then explored in detail. The talk ends with some recommendations for future research needs regarding wet and dry deposition.

  学者简介:张雷鸣 博士,加拿大环境和气候变化部高级研究员。南京大学理学学士、硕士,加拿大York University理学博士。York University客座教授,Atmospheric Chemistry Physics和Aerosol and Air Quality Research期刊杂志编辑。研究方向包括多种大气污染物的源汇,传输和物理化学过程分析,以及空气质量模式的建立。已发表国际期刊论文180余篇,Google Scholar引用7000余次。
