主题:三重拉尼娜 Triple La Nina event
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世界气候研究计划(WCRP)目前发起了5个新的大科学计划,称为“灯塔计划”,其一为“解释和预测地球系统变化”( Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change, EPESC),该计划的主要目标是:“提升从全球到区域尺度的定量化观测、解释、预警和预测地球系统变化的能力,并聚焦于年际到年代际时间尺度”。为了更好的交流全世界相关领域的进展,2022年,EPESC开始定期组织网络研讨会,每期在全球范围内邀请2~4位特邀报告人,每位报告人做20分钟主旨报告,之后为20~30分钟的圆桌讨论。

特邀报告人一:Michael McPhaden(NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory)
报告题目:Causes and Consequences of the 2020-2022 La Nina

Michael McPhaden is a Senior Scientist at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, Washington. His research focuses on large-scale tropical ocean dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and the ocean’s role in climate. He received a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1980. For the past 40 years he has been involved in developing ocean observing systems for climate research and forecasting. Michael has published over 300 articles in the refereed scientific literature and is one of the most highly cited authors on the topic of El Nino. He is a Past President of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and has received several Medals and Prizes in recognition for his work.
题目:Key processes on triggering the multi-year La Nina event as revealed by seasonal climate predictions

Zheng Fei Received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, and, Ph.D. degree from Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, in 2007. His current research interests include air-sea interaction, short-term climate prediction, and data assimilation. Since 2016, he has been a full professor with the International Center for Climate and Environment Science (ICCES), IAP-CAS, Beijing, China. From 2010 to 2012, he, as a visiting professor, had visited the University of Maryland in the US, and the University of Bergen in Norway. He is currently the deputy director of ICCES. He won the award of the 11th Hundred Outstanding Doctors of China, Ministry of Education in 2009. And he was selected in the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals in 2013, and supported by the National High-Level Talents Special Support Program in 2019.
特邀报告人三:Xian Wu(NCAR)
题目:Predicting the duration of La Nina events using the CESM multiyear forecast systems

Wu Xian is an Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020 and her B.S. degree from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in 2015. Her research interests include climate variability and change, climate predictability, and ocean-atmosphere interactions. She uses climate model simulations and initialized forecasts to understand the physical processes governing the predictability and prediction skill of natural climate modes, including El Nino-Southern Oscillation and Pacific decadal variability.