

  • 职务:
  • 电子邮件:licx@tea.ac.cn
  • 研究方向:大尺度海气相互作用和气候变化、检测归因
1. Li Chunxiang, Wang Chunzai, and Zhao Tianbao, 2019: Seasonal co-variability of dryness/wetness in China and global sea surface temperature. J. Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0250.1.
2. Li Chunxiang, Tian Qinhua, Yu Rong, Zhou Baiquan, Xia Jiangjiang, Claire Burke, Buwen Dong, Simon Tett, Nicolas Freychet, Fraser Lott, and Andrew Ciavarella, 2018: Attribution of extreme precipitation in the lower reaches of Yangtze River during May 2016. Environ. Res. Lett., 13, 014015.
3. Li Chunxiang, Wang Chunzai, and Zhao Tianbao, 2018: Influence of two types of ENSO events on tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific during the subsequent year: Asymmetric response. Clim. Dyn., 51, 2637-2655.
4. Li Chunxiang, Zhao Tianbao, and Ying Kairan, 2017: Quantifying the contributions of anthropogenic and natural forcings to climate changes over arid-semiarid areas during 1946–2005. Clim. Change, 144(3), 505-517.
5. Li Chunxiang, Zhao Tianbao, and Ying Kairan, 2016: Effects of anthropogenic aerosols on temperature changes in China during the 20th century based on CMIP5 models. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 125, 529-540.
6. Li Chunxiang, and Zhao Tianbao, 2019: Seasonal responses of precipitation in China to El Ni?o and positive Indian Ocean Dipole modes. Atmosphere, 10, 372.
7. Li Chunxiang, Zhao Tianbao, Shi Chunxiang, and Liu Zhiquan, 2019: Evaluation of daily precipitation product in China from the CMA global atmospheric interim reanalysis.?J. Meteor. Res.,?34(1), 1–20.
8. Zhao Tianbao, Li Chunxiang, and Zuo Zhiyan, 2016: Contributions of human activities and external natural forcings to climate changes over China in the 20th century based on the CMIP5 simulations. Sci. China Earth Sci., 59, 503-517.
9. Li Chunxiang, and Wang Chunzai, 2014: Simulated impacts of two types of ENSO events on tropical cyclone activity in the western North Pacific: large-scale atmospheric response. Clim. Dyn., 42, 2727-2743.
10. Wang Chunzai, Li Chunxiang, Mu Mu, and Duan Wansuo, 2013: Seasonal Modulations of Different Impacts of Two Types of ENSO Events on Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific. Clim. Dyn., 40, 2887-2902.
11. 李春香, 赵天保, 马柱国, 2014: 基于CMIP5多模式结果评估人类活动对全球典型干旱半干旱区气候变化的影响. 科学通报, 59 (30), 2972-2988.